Thursday, May 24, 2012

World War 2 Video Games

I have always had a love/hate relationship with war games, especially World War 2 video games. On one hand they provide hours of entertainment and fun. On the other hand they are strange in a military and historical sense. Since this is a rant I only want to talk about why I hate them.

 Since I am in a good mood today I will start with why I hate them. The number one thing I hate is the way that you are basically a one man army even though there are 50 MILLION other soldiers with you, you have to do everything, but you cant preform basic tasks such as opening a door (like in some games someone has to do it for you) or TALKING! The next thing I hate is how you move so fast (not literally but in a larger military sense). Yeah, last I checked it took the US Army 10 minutes to get off Omaha Beach. You also carry way too many weapons. Last I checked no soldier can easily sprint with a .30 cal, MG42 and a bazooka all on their backs. The soldier you play as also has such military expertise he has to have every job available in the military. For instance in Call of Duty 2 where you get in a tank and you operate it like a expert, even without any prior training (I have operated a tank before it is no easy task). I have always wanted to see a war game were you didn't complete dominate the opposing side, can carry only one weapon, and have to use real military tactics to win.

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